# ShippingLineInput - admin-graphql - INPUT_OBJECT Version: 2024-10 ## Description The input fields for specifying the shipping details for the draft order. > Note: > A custom shipping line includes a title and price with `shippingRateHandle` set to `nil`. A shipping line with a carrier-provided shipping rate (currently set via the Shopify admin) includes the shipping rate handle. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [price](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/Money): Money - Price of the shipping rate in shop currency. * [priceWithCurrency](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/input-objects/MoneyInput): MoneyInput - Price of the shipping rate with currency. If provided, `price` will be ignored. * [shippingRateHandle](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/String): String - A unique identifier for the shipping rate. * [title](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/String): String - Title of the shipping rate. ## Input objects with this input object * [DraftOrderInput](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/input-objects/DraftOrderInput) ## Examples