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Published translations associated with the resource.

The published translations associated with the resource.

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Access requirements

An article in the blogging system.

Access requirements

Shopify stores come with a built-in blogging engine, allowing a shop to have one or more blogs. Blogs are meant to be used as a type of magazine or newsletter for the shop, with content that changes over time.

Access requirements

Represents a group of products that can be displayed in online stores and other sales channels in categories, which makes it easy for customers to find them. For example, an athletics store might create different collections for running attire, shoes, and accessories.

Collections can be defined by conditions, such as whether they match certain product tags. These are called smart or automated collections.

Collections can also be created for a custom group of products. These are called custom or manual collections.

A link to direct users to.

Access requirements

A page on the Online Store.

Access requirements

The Product object lets you manage products in a merchant’s store.

Products are the goods and services that merchants offer to customers. They can include various details such as title, description, price, images, and options such as size or color. You can use product variants to create or update different versions of the same product. You can also add or update product media. Products can be organized by grouping them into a collection.

Learn more about working with Shopify's product model, including limitations and considerations.

Access requirements

The product property names. For example, "Size", "Color", and "Material". Variants are selected based on permutations of these options. The limit for each product property name is 255 characters.

The product option value names. For example, "Red", "Blue", and "Green" for a "Color" option.

Access requirements

Represents a product variant.

Access requirements

Represents how a product can be sold and purchased. Selling plans and associated records (selling plan groups and policies) are deleted 48 hours after a merchant uninstalls their subscriptions app. We recommend backing up these records if you need to restore them later.

For more information on selling plans, refer to Creating and managing selling plans.

Represents a selling method (for example, "Subscribe and save" or "Pre-paid"). Selling plan groups and associated records (selling plans and policies) are deleted 48 hours after a merchant uninstalls their subscriptions app. We recommend backing up these records if you need to restore them later.

Represents a collection of general settings and information about the shop.

Access requirements

Policy that a merchant has configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policy.

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