Anchor to section titled 'undefined'


An error that occurs during the execution of CombinedListingUpdate.

The path to the input field that caused the error.

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  • No referencing fields
  • CombinedListingUpdateUserError

    Add, remove and update CombinedListings of a given Product.

    CombinedListings are comprised of multiple products to create a single listing. There are two kinds of products used in a CombinedListing:

    1. Parent products
    2. Child products

    The parent product is created with a productCreate with a CombinedListingRole of PARENT. Once created, you can associate child products with the parent product using this mutation. Parent products represent the idea of a product (e.g. Shoe).

    Child products represent a particular option value (or combination of option values) of a parent product. For instance, with your Shoe parent product, you may have several child products representing specific colors of the shoe (e.g. Shoe - Blue). You could also have child products representing more than a single option (e.g. Shoe - Blue/Canvas, Shoe - Blue/Leather, etc...).

    The combined listing is the association of parent product to one or more child products.

    Learn more about Combined Listings.

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    CombinedListingUpdateUserError Mutations

    CombinedListingUpdateUserError Implements