Requires read_markets for queries and both read_markets as well as write_markets for mutations.

A market is a group of one or more regions that you want to target for international sales. By creating a market, you can configure a distinct, localized shopping experience for customers from a specific area of the world. For example, you can change currency, configure international pricing, or add market-specific domains or subfolders.

The catalogs that belong to the market.

Anchor to Market.catalogsCount
Access requirements

The number of catalogs that belong to the market.

The market’s currency settings.

Whether the market is enabled to receive visitors and sales. Note: Regions in inactive markets can't be selected on the storefront or in checkout.

A short, human-readable unique identifier for the market. This is changeable by the merchant.

A globally-unique ID.

A custom field, including its namespace and key, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.

A list of custom fields that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.

The name of the market. Not shown to customers.

Whether the market is the shop’s primary market.

The regions that comprise the market.

The market’s web presence, which defines its SEO strategy. This can be a different domain, subdomain, or subfolders of the primary domain. Each web presence comprises one or more language variants. If a market doesn't have its own web presence, then the market is accessible on the primary market's domains using country selectors. If it's the primary market and it has multiple web presences, then this field will return the primary domain web presence.

The market’s web presences, which defines its SEO strategy. This can be a different domain, subdomain, or subfolders of the primary domain. Each web presence comprises one or more language variants. If a market doesn't have any web presences, then the market is accessible on the primary market's domains using country selectors.

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Fields and connections from

Possible types in


Returns a market resource by ID.

Returns the applicable market for a customer based on where they are in the world.

Anchor to primaryMarket
Access requirements

The primary market of the shop.

Anchor to markets
Access requirements

The markets configured for the shop.

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Market Queries

Anchor to marketCreate
Access requirements

Creates a new market.

Updates currency settings of a market.

Deletes a market region.

Creates regions that belong to an existing market.

Anchor to marketUpdate
Access requirements

Updates the properties of a market.

Creates a web presence for a market.

Deletes a market web presence.

Updates a market web presence.

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