Requires read_metaobjects access scope.

Provides an object instance represented by a MetaobjectDefinition.

Metaobject capabilities for this Metaobject.

The app used to create the object.

The app used to create the object.

The staff member who created the metaobject.

The MetaobjectDefinition that models this object type.

The preferred display name field value of the metaobject.

The field for an object key, or null if the key has no field definition.

All ordered fields of the metaobject with their definitions and values.

The unique handle of the object, useful as a custom ID.

A globally-unique ID.

List of back references metafields that belong to the resource.

The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field.

The type of the metaobject.

When the object was last updated.

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Fields and connections from


Anchor to metaobject
Access requirements

Retrieves a metaobject by ID.

Retrieves a metaobject by handle.

Anchor to metaobjects
Access requirements

All metaobjects for the shop.

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Metaobject Queries

Creates a new metaobject.

Updates an existing metaobject.

Retrieves a metaobject by handle, then updates it with the provided input values. If no matching metaobject is found, a new metaobject is created with the provided input values.

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Metaobject Mutations

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Metaobject Implements
