Basic events chronicle resource activities such as the creation of an article, the fulfillment of an order, or the addition of a product.

General events

createThe item was created.
destroyThe item was destroyed.
publishedThe item was published.
unpublishedThe item was unpublished.
updateThe item was updated.

Order events

Order events can be divided into the following categories:

  • Authorization: Includes whether the authorization succeeded, failed, or is pending.
  • Capture: Includes whether the capture succeeded, failed, or is pending.
  • Email: Includes confirmation or cancellation of the order, as well as shipping.
  • Fulfillment: Includes whether the fulfillment succeeded, failed, or is pending. Also includes cancellation, restocking, and fulfillment updates.
  • Order: Includess the placement, confirmation, closing, re-opening, and cancellation of the order.
  • Refund: Includes whether the refund succeeded, failed, or is pending.
  • Sale: Includes whether the sale succeeded, failed, or is pending.
  • Void: Includes whether the void succeeded, failed, or is pending.
authorization_failureThe customer, unsuccessfully, tried to authorize: {money_amount}.Authorization failed. The funds cannot be captured.
authorization_pendingAuthorization for {money_amount} is pending.Authorization pending.
authorization_successThe customer successfully authorized us to capture: {money_amount}.Authorization was successful and the funds are available for capture.
cancelledOrder was cancelled by {shop_staff_name}.The order was cancelled.
capture_failureWe failed to capture: {money_amount}.The capture failed. The funds cannot be transferred to the shop.
capture_pendingCapture for {money_amount} is pending.The capture is in process. The funds are not yet available to the shop.
capture_successWe successfully captured: {money_amount}The capture was successful and the funds are now available to the shop.
closedOrder was closed.The order was closed.
confirmedReceived a new order: {order_number} by {customer_name}.The order was confirmed.
fulfillment_cancelledWe cancelled {number_of_line_items} from being fulfilled by the third party fulfillment service.Fulfillment for one or more of the line_items failed.
fulfillment_pendingWe submitted {number_of_line_items} to the third party service.One or more of the line_items has been assigned to a third party service for fulfillment.
fulfillment_successWe successfully fulfilled line_items.Fulfillment was successful for one or more line_items.
mail_sent{message_type} email was sent to the customer.An email was sent to the customer.
placedOrder was placed.An order was placed by the customer.
re_openedOrder was re-opened.An order was re-opened.
refund_failureWe failed to refund {money_amount}.The refund failed. The funds are still with the shop.
refund_pendingRefund of {money_amount} is still pending.The refund is in process. The funds are still with shop.
refund_successWe successfully refunded {money_amount}.The refund was successful. The funds have been transferred to the customer.
restock_line_itemsWe restocked {number_of_line_items}.One or more of the order's line items have been restocked.
sale_failureThe customer failed to pay {money_amount}.The sale failed. The funds are not available to the shop.
sale_pendingThe {money_amount} is pending.The sale is in process. The funds are not yet available to the shop.
sale_successWe successfully captured {money_amount}.The sale was successful. The funds are now with the shop.
update{order_number} was updated.The order was updated.
void_failureWe failed to void the authorization.Voiding the authorization failed. The authorization is still valid.
void_pendingAuthorization void is pending.Voiding the authorization is in process. The authorization is still valid.
void_successWe successfully voided the authorization.Voiding the authorization was successful. The authorization is no longer valid.

The action that occured.

The name of the app that created the event.

Refers to a certain event and its resources.

Whether the event was created by an app.

Whether the event was caused by an admin user.

The date and time when the event was created.

Whether the event is critical.

A globally-unique ID.

Human readable text that describes the event.

The resource that generated the event. To see a list of possible types, refer to HasEvents.

The ID of the resource that generated the event.

The type of the resource that generated the event.

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  • No referencing fields
  • BasicEvent

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