Requires read_content access scope or read_online_store_pages access scope.

A comment on an article.

Anchor to Comment.article

The article associated with the comment.

The comment’s author.

The content of the comment.

The content of the comment, complete with HTML formatting.

The date and time when the comment was created.

The paginated list of events associated with the host subject.

A globally-unique ID.

The IP address of the commenter.

Whether or not the comment is published.

The date and time when the comment was published.

The status of the comment.

The date and time when the comment was last updated.

The user agent of the commenter.

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Fields and connections from


Returns a Comment resource by ID.

List of the shop's comments.

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Comment Queries

Queried by

Anchor to commentApprove
Access requirements

Approves a comment.

Anchor to commentNotSpam
Access requirements

Marks a comment as not spam.

Anchor to commentSpam
Access requirements

Marks a comment as spam.

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Comment Mutations

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Comment Implements
