Requires read_gift_cards access scope.

Represents an issued gift card.

The gift card's remaining balance.

The date and time at which the gift card was created.

The customer who will receive the gift card.

The date and time at which the gift card was deactivated.

Whether the gift card is enabled.

The date at which the gift card will expire.

A globally-unique ID.

The initial value of the gift card.

The final four characters of the gift card code.

The gift card code. Everything but the final four characters is masked.

The note associated with the gift card, which isn't visible to the customer.

The order associated with the gift card. This value is null if the gift card was issued manually.

The recipient who will receive the gift card.

The theme template used to render the gift card online.

The transaction history of the gift card.

The date and time at which the gift card was updated.

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Anchor to giftCard
Access requirements

Returns a gift card resource by ID.

Anchor to giftCards
Access requirements

Returns a list of gift cards.

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GiftCard Queries

Anchor to giftCardCreate
Access requirements

Create a gift card.

Deactivate a gift card. A deactivated gift card cannot be used by a customer. A deactivated gift card cannot be re-enabled.

Send notification to the customer of a gift card.

Send notification to the recipient of a gift card.

Anchor to giftCardUpdate
Access requirements

Update a gift card.

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GiftCard Implements
