Metaobject - admin-graphql - OBJECT
Version: 2025-01
Provides an object instance represented by a MetaobjectDefinition.
Access Scopes
`read_metaobjects` access scope.
capabilities :
MetaobjectCapabilityData! -
Metaobject capabilities for this Metaobject.
createdBy :
App! -
The app used to create the object.
createdByApp :
App! -
The app used to create the object.
createdByStaff :
StaffMember -
The staff member who created the metaobject.
definition :
MetaobjectDefinition! -
The MetaobjectDefinition that models this object type.
displayName :
String! -
The preferred display name field value of the metaobject.
field :
MetaobjectField -
The field for an object key, or null if the key has no field definition.
fields :
MetaobjectField! -
All ordered fields of the metaobject with their definitions and values.
handle :
String! -
The unique handle of the object, useful as a custom ID.
id :
ID! -
A globally-unique ID.
staffMember :
StaffMember -
The staff member who created the metaobject.
thumbnailField :
MetaobjectField -
The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field.
type :
String! -
The type of the metaobject.
updatedAt :
DateTime! -
When the object was last updated.
Related queries
Related mutations
Creates a new metaobject.
Updates an existing metaobject.
Retrieves a metaobject by handle, then updates it with the provided input values.
If no matching metaobject is found, a new metaobject is created with the provided input values.
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