Requires read_markets for queries and both read_markets as well as write_markets for mutations.

The market’s web presence, which defines its SEO strategy. This can be a different domain (e.g., subdomain (e.g., or subfolders of the primary domain (e.g. Each web presence comprises one or more language variants. If a market does not have its own web presence, it is accessible on the shop’s primary domain via country selectors.

Note: while the domain/subfolders defined by a market’s web presence are not applicable to custom storefronts, which must manage their own domains and routing, the languages chosen here do govern the languages available on the Storefront API for the countries in this market.

The ShopLocale object for the alternate locales. When a domain is used, these locales will be available as language-specific subfolders. For example, if English is an alternate locale, and is the market’s domain, then will load in English.

The ShopLocale object for the default locale. When a domain is used, this is the locale that will be used when the domain root is accessed. For example, if French is the default locale, and is the market’s domain, then will load in French.

The web presence’s domain. This field will be null if subfolderSuffix isn't null.

A globally-unique ID.

The associated market. This can be null for a web presence that isn't associated with a market.

The list of root URLs for each of the web presence’s locales. As of version 2024-04 this value will no longer have a trailing slash.

The market-specific suffix of the subfolders defined by the web presence. Example: in /en-us the subfolder suffix is us. This field will be null if domain isn't null.

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MarketWebPresence Implements
