Meant to be used with GraphQL CodeGen to type the Storefront API's custom scalars correctly when using TypeScript.By default, GraphQL CodeGen uses `any` for custom scalars; by using these definitions, GraphQL Codegen will generate the correct types for the Storefront API's custom scalars. See more about [GraphQL CodeGen]( and [custom scalars for TypeScript]( Note that `@shopify/hydrogen-react` has already generated types for the Storefront API, so you may not need to setup GraphQL Codegen on your own.
import {storefrontApiCustomScalars} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react';
const config = {
overwrite: true,
schema: require.resolve('@shopify/hydrogen-react/storefront.schema.json'),
documents: 'pages/**/*.tsx',
generates: {
'./gql/': {
preset: 'client',
plugins: [],
config: {
// defines the custom scalars used in the Storefront API
scalars: storefrontApiCustomScalars,
export default config;