> Deprecated: > This documentation is for the previous major version of Shopify CLI. Unless specifically instructed, you should use [the new version of Shopify CLI](/docs/api/shopify-cli/theme) (version 3), which provides a more streamlined theme development experience. > > Shopify CLI 2.x is deprecated, and no longer supported by Shopify. > > [Learn how to migrate to Shopify CLI 3.x](/docs/storefronts/themes/tools/cli/migrate). This reference lists the commands that you can use to build themes with Shopify CLI 2.x. ## Command overview
Topic | Command | Description |
theme | init | Clones a Git repository to your local machine to use as the starting point for building a theme. |
serve | Uploads the current theme to a store so you can preview it. | |
check | Calls and runs Theme Check to analyze your theme code for errors and to ensure that it follows theme and Liquid best practices. | |
list | Lists the themes in your store. | |
open | Returns links that let you preview the specified theme. | |
pull | Retrieves theme files from Shopify. | |
push | Uploads your local theme files to Shopify, overwriting the remote version if specified. | |
share | Uploads your theme as a new, unpublished theme in your theme library. | |
publish | Publishes an unpublished theme from your theme library. | |
package | Packages your local theme files into a ZIP file that can be uploaded to Shopify. | |
delete | Deletes a theme from your store. | |
none | help | Lists the available commands and describes what they do. |
login | Authenticates and logs you into the specified store with Shopify CLI. | |
logout | Logs you out of the Shopify account or Partner account and store. | |
populate | Adds example data to your store for testing your app or theme’s behavior. | |
store | Displays the store that you're currently connected to. | |
switch | Switches between stores without logging out and logging in again. | |
version | Displays the version of Shopify CLI that you're running. | |
config | Configures Shopify CLI options. There are two available options: analytics and feature . |
whoami | Determines which Partner organization you're logged in to, or which store you're logged in to as a staff member. |