Comment events are generated by staff members of a shop. They are created when a staff member adds a comment to the timeline of an order, draft order, customer, or transfer.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to appTitleapp•
Title The name of the app that created the event.
- Anchor to attachmentsattachments•[Comment
Event non-nullAttachment!]! The attachments associated with the comment event.
- Anchor to attributeToAppattribute•
To App Boolean!non-null Whether the event was created by an app.
- Anchor to attributeToUserattribute•
To User Boolean!non-null Whether the event was caused by an admin user.
- Anchor to authorauthor•Staff
Member! non-null The name of the user that authored the comment event.
- Anchor to canDeletecan•
Delete Boolean!non-null Whether the comment event can be deleted. If true, then the comment event can be deleted.
- Anchor to canEditcan•
Edit Boolean!non-null Whether the comment event can be edited. If true, then the comment event can be edited.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the event was created.
- Anchor to criticalAlertcritical•
Alert Boolean!non-null Whether the event is critical.
- Anchor to editededited•Boolean!non-null
Whether the comment event has been edited. If true, then the comment event has been edited.
- Anchor to embedembed•
The object reference associated with the comment event. For example, a product or discount).
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to messagemessage•Formatted
String! non-null Human readable text that describes the event.
- Anchor to rawMessageraw•
Message String!non-null The raw body of the comment event.
- Anchor to subjectsubject•Comment
Event non-nullSubject! The parent subject to which the comment event belongs.
No referencing types