Requires access scope. Also: The app must be a finance embedded app or installed on a Shopify Plus or Advanced store. Contact Shopify Support to enable this scope for your app.
Represents the data about a staff member's Shopify account. Merchants can use staff member data to get more information about the staff members in their store.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to activeactive•Boolean!non-null
Whether the staff member is active.
- Anchor to avataravatar•Image!non-null
The image used as the staff member's avatar in the Shopify admin.
- Anchor to emailemail•String!non-null
The staff member's email address.
- Anchor to existsexists•Boolean!non-null
Whether the staff member's account exists.
- Anchor to firstNamefirst•
Name The staff member's first name.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to initialsinitials•
The staff member's initials, if available.
- Anchor to isShopOwneris•
Shop Owner Boolean!non-null Whether the staff member is the shop owner.
- Anchor to lastNamelast•
Name The staff member's last name.
- Anchor to localelocale•String!non-null
The staff member's preferred locale. Locale values use the format
or, where
is a two-letter language code, andis a two-letter country code. For example:
or- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The staff member's full name.
- Anchor to phonephone•
The staff member's phone number.
- Anchor to privateDataprivate•
Data StaffMember non-nullPrivate Data! The data used to customize the Shopify admin experience for the staff member.
Fields and connections with this object
- CashTrackingAdjustment.staffMember
- CashTrackingSession.closingStaffMember
- CashTrackingSession.openingStaffMember
- InventoryAdjustmentGroup.staffMember
- LineItem.staffMember
- LineItemMutable.staffMember
- Metaobject.createdByStaff
- MetaobjectDefinition.createdByStaff
- OrderAgreement.user
- OrderEditAgreement.user
- OrderTransaction.user
- Refund.staffMember
- RefundAgreement.user
- ReturnAgreement.user
- SalesAgreement.user
- StaffMemberConnection.nodes
- StaffMemberEdge.node
- TenderTransaction.user