Requires access scope. Also: Requires
Represents a card instrument for customer payment method.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to billingAddressbilling•
Address The billing address of the card.
- Anchor to brandbrand•String!non-null
The brand of the card.
- Anchor to expiresSoonexpires•
Soon Boolean!non-null Whether the card is about to expire.
- Anchor to expiryMonthexpiry•
Month Int!non-null The expiry month of the card.
- Anchor to expiryYearexpiry•
Year Int!non-null The expiry year of the card.
- Anchor to firstDigitsfirst•
Digits The card's BIN number.
- Anchor to isRevocableis•
Revocable Boolean!non-null The payment method can be revoked if there are no active subscription contracts.
- Anchor to lastDigitslast•
Digits String!non-null The last 4 digits of the card.
- Anchor to maskedNumbermasked•
Number String!non-null The masked card number with only the last 4 digits displayed.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The name of the card holder.
- Anchor to sourcesource•
The source of the card if coming from a wallet such as Apple Pay.
- Anchor to virtualLastDigitsvirtual•
Last Digits The last 4 digits of the Device Account Number.