Requires access scope. Also: App must be configured to use the Storefront API or as a Sales Channel.
Reports the status of product for a Sales Channel or Storefront API. This might include why a product is not available in a Sales Channel and how a merchant might fix this.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to feedbackGeneratedAtfeedback•
Generated At DateTime! non-null The time when the feedback was generated. Used to help determine whether incoming feedback is outdated compared to existing feedback.
- Anchor to messagesmessages•[String!]!non-null
The feedback messages presented to the merchant.
- Anchor to productIdproduct•
Id ID!non-null The ID of the product associated with the feedback.
- Anchor to productUpdatedAtproduct•
Updated At DateTime! non-null The timestamp of the product associated with the feedback.
- Anchor to statestate•Resource
Feedback non-nullState! Conveys the state of the feedback and whether it requires merchant action or not.
No referencing types
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns the product resource feedback for the currently authenticated app.
ProductResourceFeedback Queries
Queried by
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Creates product feedback for multiple products.