Anchor to Count
Details for count of elements.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to countcount•Int!non-null
The count of elements.
- Anchor to precisionprecision•Count
Precision! non-null The count's precision, or the exactness of the value.
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Fields with this object
- Channel.productsCount
- Collection.availablePublicationsCount
- Collection.productsCount
- Collection.resourcePublicationsCount
- Company.contactsCount
- Company.locationsCount
- Company.ordersCount
- CompanyLocation.catalogsCount
- CompanyLocation.ordersCount
- CompanyLocationCatalog.companyLocationsCount
- CustomerJourneySummary.momentsCount
- DeliveryLocationGroup.locationsCount
- DeliveryProfile.productVariantsCount
- DiscountCodeApp.codesCount
- DiscountCodeBasic.codesCount
- DiscountCodeBxgy.codesCount
- DiscountCodeFreeShipping.codesCount
- FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove.availableLineItemsCount
- FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove.unavailableLineItemsCount
- InventoryItem.locationsCount
- Market.catalogsCount
- PriceRule.discountCodesCount
- Product.availablePublicationsCount
- Product.mediaCount
- Product.resourcePublicationsCount
- Product.sellingPlanGroupsCount
- Product.variantsCount
- ProductVariant.sellingPlanGroupsCount
- Publishable.availablePublicationsCount
- Publishable.resourcePublicationsCount
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
The count of catalogs belonging to the shop. Limited to a maximum of 10000.
- •query
The number of companies for a shop.
- •query
The total number of discount codes for the shop.
- •query
The total number of gift cards issued for the shop. Limited to a maximum of 10000.
- •query
The number of pendings orders. Limited to a maximum of 10000.
- •query
Count of products.
- •query
Count of publications.
- •query
The number of segments for a shop.
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