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A shipping profile. In Shopify, a shipping profile is a set of shipping rates scoped to a set of products or variants that can be shipped from selected locations to zones. Learn more about building with delivery profiles.

Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections

Anchor to activeMethodDefinitionsCountactiveMethodDefinitionsCount

The number of active shipping rates for the profile.


Whether this is the default profile.


A globally-unique ID.


Whether this shop has enabled legacy compatibility mode for delivery profiles.

Anchor to locationsWithoutRatesCountlocationsWithoutRatesCount

The number of locations without rates defined.


The name of the delivery profile.


The number of active origin locations for the profile.

Anchor to productVariantsCountproductVariantsCount

How many product variants are in this profile.


The products and variants associated with this profile.

Anchor to profileLocationGroupsprofileLocationGroups

The location groups and associated zones using this profile.


Selling plan groups associated with the specified delivery profile.


List of locations that haven't been assigned to a location group for this profile.

Anchor to unassignedLocationsPaginatedunassignedLocationsPaginated

List of locations that have not been assigned to a location group for this profile.


The number of countries with active rates to deliver to.

Anchor to productVariantsCountV2productVariantsCountV2

How many product variants are in this profile. Use productVariantsCount instead.

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Returns a Delivery Profile resource by ID.


Returns a list of saved delivery profiles.

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Create a delivery profile.


Update a delivery profile.

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