Requires the access scope.
Represents the location where the physical good resides. You can stock inventory at active locations. Active
locations that have and are configured with a shipping rate, pickup enabled or
local delivery will be able to sell from their storefront.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to activatableactivatable•Boolean!non-null
- Anchor to addressaddress•Location
Address! non-null The address of this location.
- Anchor to addressVerifiedaddress•
Verified Boolean!non-null Whether the location address has been verified.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time (ISO 8601 format) that the location was added to a shop.
- Anchor to deactivatabledeactivatable•Boolean!non-null
- Anchor to deactivatedAtdeactivated•
At The date and time (ISO 8601 format) that the location was deactivated at. For example, 3:30 pm on September 7, 2019 in the time zone of UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is represented as
- Anchor to deletabledeletable•Boolean!non-null
Whether this location can be deleted.
- Anchor to fulfillmentServicefulfillment•
Service Name of the service provider that fulfills from this location.
- Anchor to fulfillsOnlineOrdersfulfills•
Online Orders Boolean!non-null Whether this location can fulfill online orders.
- Anchor to hasActiveInventoryhas•
Active Inventory Boolean!non-null Whether this location has active inventory.
- Anchor to hasUnfulfilledOrdershas•
Unfulfilled Orders Boolean!non-null Whether this location has orders that need to be fulfilled.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to inventoryLevelinventory•
Level The quantities of an inventory item at this location.
- Anchor to inventoryLevelsinventory•
Levels InventoryLevel non-nullConnection! A list of the quantities of the inventory items that can be stocked at this location.
- Anchor to isActiveis•
Active Boolean!non-null - Anchor to isFulfillmentServiceis•
Fulfillment Service Boolean!non-null Whether this location is a fulfillment service.
- Anchor to legacyResourceIdlegacy•
Resource Id UnsignedInt64! non-null The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
- Anchor to localPickupSettingsV2local•
Pickup Settings V2 Local pickup settings for the location.
- Anchor to metafieldmetafield•
A custom field, including its
, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•Metafield
Connection! non-null A list of custom fields that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The name of the location.
- Anchor to shipsInventoryships•
Inventory Boolean!non-null Whether this location is used for calculating shipping rates. In multi-origin shipping mode, this flag is ignored.
- Anchor to suggestedAddressessuggested•
Addresses [LocationSuggested non-nullAddress!]! List of suggested addresses for this location (empty if none).
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the location was last updated.
Fields and connections with this object
- CashTrackingSession.location
- DeliveryCarrierServiceAndLocations.locations
- DeliveryLocationGroup.locations
- DeliveryProfile.unassignedLocations
- DeliveryProfile.unassignedLocationsPaginated
- Fulfillment.location
- FulfillmentOrderAssignedLocation.location
- FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove.location
- FulfillmentService.location
- InventoryChange.location
- InventoryLevel.location
- LocationConnection.nodes
- LocationEdge.node
- RefundLineItem.location
- ReverseFulfillmentOrderDisposition.location
- ShippingLabel.location
- SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickupOption.location
- SubscriptionPickupOption.location
Possible type in
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns an inventory Location resource by ID.
- •query
Returns a list of active inventory locations.
- Anchor to locationsAvailableForDeliveryProfilesConnectionlocations•
Available For Delivery Profiles Connection query Returns a list of all origin locations available for a delivery profile.
- •queryDeprecated
Returns a list of all origin locations available for a delivery profile. Use
Location Queries
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Activates a location so that you can stock inventory at the location. Refer to the
fields on theLocation
object.- •mutation
Adds a new location.
- •mutation
Deactivates a location and moves inventory, pending orders, and moving transfers to a destination location.
- •mutation
Edits an existing location.
As of the 2023-10 API version, apps can change the name and address of their fulfillment service locations.