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Requires read_inventory access scope.

The quantities of an inventory item that are related to a specific location. Learn more about the relationships between inventory objects.

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Whether the inventory items associated with the inventory level can be deactivated.


The date and time when the inventory level was created.


Describes either the impact of deactivating the inventory level, or why the inventory level can't be deactivated.


A globally-unique ID.


Inventory item associated with the inventory level.


The location associated with the inventory level.


Quantities for the requested names.


Scheduled changes for the requested quantity names.


The date and time when the inventory level was updated.

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Returns an InventoryLevel object by ID.

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Activate an inventory item at a location.


Modify the activation status of an inventory item at locations. Activating an inventory item at a particular location allows that location to stock that inventory item. Deactivating an inventory item at a location removes the inventory item's quantities and turns off the inventory item from that location.

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