Anchor to VaultCreditCardVault
Requires access scope.
Represents a credit card payment instrument.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to billingAddressbilling•
Address The billing address of the card.
- Anchor to brandbrand•String!non-null
The brand for the card.
- Anchor to expiredexpired•Boolean!non-null
Whether the card has been expired.
- Anchor to expiryMonthexpiry•
Month Int!non-null The expiry month of the card.
- Anchor to expiryYearexpiry•
Year Int!non-null The expiry year of the card.
- Anchor to lastDigitslast•
Digits String!non-null The last four digits for the card.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The name of the card holder.
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