Anchor to MerchantApprovalSignalsMerchant
Requires access scope.
Merchant approval for accelerated onboarding to channel integration apps.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to identityVerifiedidentity•
Verified Boolean!non-null Whether the shop's Shopify Payments account identity is verified. Returns
if the identity is unverified or if the shop doesn't have a Shopify Payments account.- Anchor to verifiedByShopifyverified•
By Shopify Boolean!non-null Whether Shopify has pre-verified the merchant's business for onboarding to channel integration apps. Returns
if the shop isn't marked for verification.- Anchor to verifiedByShopifyTierverified•
By Shopify Tier String!non-null Which tier of the Shopify verification was determined for the merchant's business for onboarding to channel integration apps.
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