Anchor to Publishable
Represents a resource that can be published to a channel. A publishable resource can be either a Product or Collection.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to availablePublicationsCountavailable•
Publications Count The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors.
- Anchor to publishedOnCurrentPublicationpublished•
On Current Publication Boolean!non-null Whether the resource is published to the app's publication. For example, the resource might be published to the app's online store channel.
- Anchor to publishedOnPublicationpublished•
On Publication Boolean!non-null Whether the resource is published to a specified publication.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationsresource•
Publications ResourcePublication non-nullConnection! The list of resources that are published to a publication.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationsCountresource•
Publications Count The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationsV2resource•
Publications V2 ResourcePublication non-nullV2Connection! The list of resources that are either published or staged to be published to a publication.
- Anchor to unpublishedPublicationsunpublished•
Publications PublicationConnection! non-null The list of publications that the resource isn't published to.
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"availablePublicationsCount": "",
"publicationCount": {
"onlyPublished": ""
"publishedOnChannel": {
"channelId": ""
"publishedOnCurrentChannel": "",
"publishedOnCurrentPublication": "",
"publishedOnPublication": {
"publicationId": ""
"resourcePublications": {
"onlyPublished": "",
"first": "",
"after": "",
"last": "",
"before": "",
"reverse": ""
"resourcePublicationsCount": {
"onlyPublished": ""
"resourcePublicationsV2": {
"onlyPublished": "",
"catalogType": "",
"first": "",
"after": "",
"last": "",
"before": "",
"reverse": ""
"unpublishedChannels": {
"first": "",
"after": "",
"last": "",
"before": "",
"reverse": ""
"unpublishedPublications": {
"first": "",
"after": "",
"last": "",
"before": "",
"reverse": ""
interface Publishable {
availablePublicationsCount: Count
publicationCount: Int!
publishedOnChannel: Boolean!
publishedOnCurrentChannel: Boolean!
publishedOnCurrentPublication: Boolean!
publishedOnPublication: Boolean!
resourcePublicationsCount: Count