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Requires read_orders access scope or read_marketplace_orders access scope.

A payment transaction in the context of an order.


The masked account number associated with the payment method.


The amount and currency of the transaction in shop and presentment currencies.


Authorization code associated with the transaction.

Anchor to authorizationExpiresAtauthorizationExpiresAt

The time when the authorization expires. This field is available only to stores on a Shopify Plus plan and is populated only for Shopify Payments authorizations.


Date and time when the transaction was created.


A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider.


The transaction fees charged on the order transaction. Only present for Shopify Payments transactions.


The human-readable payment gateway name used to process the transaction.


The payment gateway used to process the transaction.


A globally-unique ID.


The kind of transaction.


Whether the transaction can be manually captured.


Specifies the available amount with currency to refund on the gateway. This value is only available for transactions of type SuggestedRefund.


Whether the transaction can be captured multiple times.


The associated order.


The associated parent transaction, for example the authorization of a capture.


The payment details for the transaction.


The payment icon to display for the transaction.


The payment ID associated with the transaction.


Date and time when the transaction was processed.


The transaction receipt that the payment gateway attaches to the transaction. The value of this field depends on which payment gateway processed the transaction.


The settlement currency.

Anchor to settlementCurrencyRatesettlementCurrencyRate

The rate used when converting the transaction amount to settlement currency.


Contains all Shopify Payments information related to an order transaction. This field is available only to stores on a Shopify Plus plan.


The status of this transaction.


Whether the transaction is a test transaction.


Specifies the available amount with currency to capture on the gateway in shop and presentment currencies. Only available when an amount is capturable or manually mark as paid.


Staff member who was logged into the Shopify POS device when the transaction was processed.

deprecated fields Deprecated

The amount of money. Use amountSet instead.


The amount and currency of the transaction. Use amountSet instead.


Specifies the available amount to refund on the gateway. This value is only available for transactions of type SuggestedRefund. Use maximumRefundableV2 instead.


The payment method used for the transaction. This value is null if the payment method is unknown. Use paymentIcon instead.


Specifies the available amount to capture on the gateway. Only available when an amount is capturable or manually mark as paid. Use totalUnsettledSet instead.


Specifies the available amount with currency to capture on the gateway. Only available when an amount is capturable or manually mark as paid. Use totalUnsettledSet instead.

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Captures payment for an authorized transaction on an order. An order can only be captured if it has a successful authorization transaction. Capturing an order will claim the money reserved by the authorization. orderCapture can be used to capture multiple times as long as the OrderTransaction is multi-capturable. To capture a partial payment, the included amount value should be less than the total order amount. Multi-capture is available only to stores on a Shopify Plus plan.


Trigger the voiding of an uncaptured authorization transaction.

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