Requires access scope.
Tracks the balance in a cash drawer for a point of sale device over the course of a shift.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to adjustmentsadjustments•
The adjustments made to the cash drawer during this session.
- Anchor to cashTrackingEnabledcash•
Tracking Enabled Boolean!non-null Whether this session is tracking cash payments.
- Anchor to cashTransactionscash•
Transactions OrderTransaction non-nullConnection! The cash transactions made during this session.
- Anchor to closingBalanceclosing•
Balance The counted cash balance when the session was closed.
- Anchor to closingNoteclosing•
Note The note entered when the session was closed.
- Anchor to closingStaffMemberclosing•
Staff Member The user who closed the session.
- Anchor to closingTimeclosing•
Time When the session was closed.
- Anchor to expectedBalanceexpected•
Balance MoneyV2! non-null The expected balance at the end of the session or the expected current balance for sessions that are still open.
- Anchor to expectedClosingBalanceexpected•
Closing Balance The amount that was expected to be in the cash drawer at the end of the session, calculated after the session was closed.
- Anchor to expectedOpeningBalanceexpected•
Opening Balance The amount expected to be in the cash drawer based on the previous session.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to locationlocation•
The location of the point of sale device during this session.
- Anchor to netCashSalesnet•
Cash Sales MoneyV2! non-null The net cash sales made for the duration of this cash tracking session.
- Anchor to openingBalanceopening•
Balance MoneyV2! non-null The counted cash balance when the session was opened.
- Anchor to openingNoteopening•
Note The note entered when the session was opened.
- Anchor to openingStaffMemberopening•
Staff Member The user who opened the session.
- Anchor to openingTimeopening•
Time DateTime! non-null When the session was opened.
- Anchor to registerNameregister•
Name String!non-null The register name for the point of sale device that this session is tracking cash for.
- Anchor to totalAdjustmentstotal•
Adjustments The sum of all adjustments made during the session, excluding the final adjustment.
- Anchor to totalCashRefundstotal•
Cash Refunds MoneyV2! non-null The sum of all cash refunds for the duration of this cash tracking session.
- Anchor to totalCashSalestotal•
Cash Sales MoneyV2! non-null The sum of all cash sales for the duration of this cash tracking session.
- Anchor to totalDiscrepancytotal•
Discrepancy The total discrepancy for the session including starting and ending.
Fields and connections with this object
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Lookup a cash tracking session by ID.
- •query
Returns a shop's cash tracking sessions for locations with a POS Pro subscription.
Tip: To query for cash tracking sessions in bulk, you can perform a bulk operation.