Requires access scope.
Represents a single line item on an order.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to customAttributescustom•
Attributes [Attribute!]!non-null A list of attributes that represent custom features or special requests.
- Anchor to discountAllocationsdiscount•
Allocations [DiscountAllocation!]! non-null The discounts that have been allocated onto the line item by discount applications.
- Anchor to discountedTotalSetdiscounted•
Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total line price after discounts are applied, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to discountedUnitPriceSetdiscounted•
Unit Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The approximate split price of a line item unit, in shop and presentment currencies. This value doesn't include discounts applied to the entire order.
- Anchor to fulfillableQuantityfulfillable•
Quantity Int!non-null The total number of units to fulfill.
- Anchor to fulfillmentServicefulfillment•
Service The service provider that fulfills the line item.
Deleted fulfillment services will return null.
- Anchor to fulfillmentStatusfulfillment•
Status String!non-null The line item's fulfillment status. Returns 'fulfilled' if fulfillableQuantity >= quantity, 'partial' if fulfillableQuantity > 0, and 'unfulfilled' otherwise.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to imageimage•
The image associated to the line item's variant.
- Anchor to isGiftCardis•
Gift Card Boolean!non-null Whether the line item represents the purchase of a gift card.
- Anchor to merchantEditablemerchant•
Editable Boolean!non-null Whether the line item can be edited or not.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The name of the product.
- Anchor to nonFulfillableQuantitynon•
Fulfillable Quantity Int!non-null The total number of units that can't be fulfilled. For example, if items have been refunded, or the item isn't something that can be fulfilled, like a tip.
- Anchor to originalTotalSetoriginal•
Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price in shop and presentment currencies, without discounts applied. This value is based on the unit price of the variant x quantity.
- Anchor to originalUnitPriceSetoriginal•
Unit Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The variant unit price without discounts applied, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to productproduct•
The Product object associated with this line item's variant.
- Anchor to quantityquantity•Int!non-null
The number of variant units ordered.
- Anchor to refundableQuantityrefundable•
Quantity Int!non-null The line item's quantity, minus the refunded quantity.
- Anchor to requiresShippingrequires•
Shipping Boolean!non-null Whether physical shipping is required for the variant.
- Anchor to restockablerestockable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the line item can be restocked.
- •
The variant SKU number.
- Anchor to staffMemberstaff•
Member Staff attributed to the line item.
- Anchor to taxabletaxable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the variant is taxable.
- Anchor to taxLinestax•
Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null The TaxLine object connected to this line item.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The title of the product.
- Anchor to totalDiscountSettotal•
Discount Set MoneyBag! non-null The total amount of the discount allocated to the line item in the presentment currency. This field must be explicitly set using draft orders, Shopify scripts, or the API. Instead of using this field, Shopify recommends using
, which provides the same information.
- Anchor to unfulfilledDiscountedTotalSetunfulfilled•
Discounted Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total discounted value of unfulfilled units, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to unfulfilledOriginalTotalSetunfulfilled•
Original Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price without any discounts applied. This value is based on the unit price of the variant x quantity of all unfulfilled units, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to unfulfilledQuantityunfulfilled•
Quantity Int!non-null The number of units not yet fulfilled.
- Anchor to variantvariant•
The Variant object associated with this line item.
- Anchor to variantTitlevariant•
Title The name of the variant.
- Anchor to vendorvendor•
The name of the vendor who made the variant.