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Anchor to InventoryAdjustmentGroup



Requires read_inventory access scope.

Represents a group of adjustments made as part of the same operation.

The app that triggered the inventory event, if one exists.

The set of inventory quantity changes that occurred in the inventory event.


The date and time the inventory adjustment group was created.


A globally-unique ID.


The reason for the group of adjustments.

Anchor to referenceDocumentUrireferenceDocumentUri

A freeform URI that represents why the inventory change happened. This can be the entity adjusting inventory quantities or the Shopify resource that's associated with the inventory adjustment. For example, a unit in a draft order might have been previously reserved, and a merchant later creates an order from the draft order. In this case, the referenceDocumentUri for the inventory adjustment is a URI referencing the order ID.

The staff member associated with the inventory event.

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Apply changes to inventory quantities.


Moves inventory between inventory quantity names at a single location.


Set inventory on-hand quantities using absolute values. Use inventorySetQuantities to set on_hand or available quantites instead.

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