Standard metafield definition templates provide preset configurations to create metafield definitions. Each template has a specific namespace and key that we've reserved to have specific meanings for common use cases.
Refer to the list of standard metafield definitions.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•
The description of the standard metafield definition.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- •String!non-null
The key owned by the definition after the definition has been activated.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The human-readable name for the standard metafield definition.
- Anchor to namespacenamespace•String!non-null
The namespace owned by the definition after the definition has been activated.
- Anchor to ownerTypesowner•
Types [MetafieldOwner non-nullType!]! The list of resource types that the standard metafield definition can be applied to.
- Anchor to typetype•Metafield
Definition non-nullType! The associated metafield definition type that the metafield stores.
- Anchor to validationsvalidations•
The configured validations for the standard metafield definition.
- Anchor to visibleToStorefrontApivisible•
To Storefront Api Boolean!non-null Whether metafields for the definition are by default visible using the Storefront API.
Fields and connections with this object
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Standard metafield definitions are intended for specific, common use cases. Their namespace and keys reflect these use cases and are reserved.
Refer to all available
Standard Metafield Definition Templates