A browse, cart, or checkout that was abandoned by a customer.

The abandonment payload for the abandoned checkout.

The abandonment type.

The app associated with an abandoned checkout.

Permalink to the cart page.

The date and time when the abandonment was created.

The customer who abandoned this event.

Anchor to Abandonment.customerHasNoDraftOrderSinceAbandonment

Whether the customer has a draft order since this abandonment has been abandoned.

Whether the customer has completed an order since this checkout has been abandoned.

Anchor to Abandonment.daysSinceLastAbandonmentEmail

The number of days since the last abandonment email was sent to the customer.

When the email was sent, if that's the case.

The email state (e.g., sent or not sent).

The number of hours since the customer has last abandoned a checkout.

A globally-unique ID.

Whether the products in abandonment are available.

Whether the abandonment event comes from a custom storefront channel.

Whether the abandonment event comes from the Online Store sales channel.

Whether the abandonment event comes from the Shop app sales channel.

Whether the abandonment event comes from Shop Pay.

Whether the customer didn't complete another most significant step since this abandonment.

The date for the latest browse abandonment.

The date for the latest cart abandonment.

The date for the latest checkout abandonment.

The most recent step type.

The products added to the cart during the customer abandoned visit.

The products viewed during the customer abandoned visit.

The date and time when the visit started.

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  • No referencing fields
  • Abandonment

    Returns an abandonment by ID.

    Returns an Abandonment by the Abandoned Checkout ID.

    Was this section helpful?
    Abandonment Queries

    Updates the marketing activities delivery statuses for an abandonment.

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    Abandonment Mutations

    Mutated by

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    Abandonment Implements
