Anchor to section titled 'undefined'


Status helps to identify if this marketing activity has been completed, queued, failed etc.

This marketing activity is currently running.

This marketing activity is permanently unavailable.


This marketing activity was deleted and it was triggered from outside of Shopify.


This marketing activity is disconnected and no longer editable.

This marketing activity has been edited, but it is not yet created.

This marketing activity is unable to run.

This marketing activity has completed running.

This marketing activity is currently not running.

This marketing activity is pending creation on the app's marketing platform.

This marketing activity is scheduled to run.

The marketing activity's status is unknown.

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The current state of the marketing activity.

The status to which the marketing activity is currently transitioning.

The current state of the marketing activity.

The current state of the marketing activity. Learn more about marketing activities statuses.

The target state that the marketing activity is transitioning to. Learn more about marketing activities statuses.

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