# ReturnRequestInput - admin-graphql - INPUT_OBJECT Version: 2024-10 ## Description The input fields for requesting a return. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [orderId](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/scalars/ID): ID! - The ID of the order that's being returned. * [returnLineItems](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/input-objects/ReturnRequestLineItemInput): ReturnRequestLineItemInput! - The line items that are being handled in the return. * [returnShippingFee](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/input-objects/ReturnShippingFeeInput): ReturnShippingFeeInput - The return shipping fee to capture. ## Input objects with this input object * [returnRequest](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-10/mutations/returnRequest) ## Examples