Anchor to section titled 'undefined'


An error that occurs during the execution of MetafieldsSet.

The index of the array element that's causing the error.

The path to the input field that caused the error.

The error message.

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  • No referencing fields
  • MetafieldsSetUserError

    Anchor to metafieldsSet
    Access requirements

    Sets metafield values. Metafield values will be set regardless if they were previously created or not.

    Allows a maximum of 25 metafields to be set at a time.

    This operation is atomic, meaning no changes are persisted if an error is encountered.

    As of 2024-07, this operation supports compare-and-set functionality to better handle concurrent requests. If compareDigest is set for any metafield, the mutation will only set that metafield if the persisted metafield value matches the digest used on compareDigest. If the metafield doesn't exist yet, but you want to guarantee that the operation will run in a safe manner, set compareDigest to null. The compareDigest value can be acquired by querying the metafield object and selecting compareDigest as a field. If the compareDigest value does not match the digest for the persisted value, the mutation will return an error. You can opt out of write guarantees by not sending compareDigest in the request.

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    MetafieldsSetUserError Mutations

    Mutated by

    MetafieldsSetUserError Implements