Requires write_orders access scope. Also: The user must have capture_payments_for_orders permission.

Captures payment for an authorized transaction on an order. An order can only be captured if it has a successful authorization transaction. Capturing an order will claim the money reserved by the authorization. orderCapture can be used to capture multiple times as long as the OrderTransaction is multi-capturable. To capture a partial payment, the included amount value should be less than the total order amount. Multi-capture is available only to stores on a Shopify Plus plan.

The input for the mutation.

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The created capture transaction.

The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

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Mutation reference
mutation orderCapture($input: OrderCaptureInput!) {
  orderCapture(input: $input) {
    transaction {
      # OrderTransaction fields
    userErrors {
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  "input": {
    "amount": "100.57",
    "currency": "AED",
    "finalCapture": true,
    "id": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
    "parentTransactionId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100"
input OrderCaptureInput {
  amount: Money!
  currency: CurrencyCode
  finalCapture: Boolean
  id: ID!
  parentTransactionId: ID!