Anchor to draftOrderBulkDeletedraft
Requires access scope. Also: The user must have access to delete multiple draft orders.
Deletes multiple draft orders.
Anchor to Arguments
- •
The IDs of the draft orders to delete.
- Anchor to savedSearchIdsaved•
Search Id The ID of the draft order saved search for filtering draft orders on.
- Anchor to searchsearch•
The conditions for filtering draft orders on. See the detailed search syntax.
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Anchor to DraftOrderBulkDeletePayload returnsDraftOrderBulkDeletePayload returns
- •
The asynchronous job for deleting the draft orders.
- Anchor to userErrorsuser•
Errors [UserError!]! non-null The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
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Mutation Reference
mutation draftOrderBulkDelete($ids: [ID!], $savedSearchId: ID, $search: String) {
draftOrderBulkDelete(ids: $ids, savedSearchId: $savedSearchId, search: $search) {
job {
# Job fields
userErrors {
"ids": [
"savedSearchId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"search": "<your-search>"
"ids": [
"savedSearchId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"search": "<your-search>"