# PurchasingCompany - admin-graphql - OBJECT Version: 2025-01 ## Description Represents information about the purchasing company for the order or draft order. ### Access Scopes The user must have access to orders or draft orders. ## Fields * [company](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2025-01/objects/Company): Company! - The company associated to the order or draft order. * [contact](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2025-01/objects/CompanyContact): CompanyContact - The company contact associated to the order or draft order. * [location](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2025-01/objects/CompanyLocation): CompanyLocation! - The company location associated to the order or draft order. ## Connections ## Related queries ## Related mutations ## Related Unions * [PurchasingEntity](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2025-01/unions/PurchasingEntity) Represents information about the purchasing entity for the order or draft order. ## Examples