Anchor to subscriptionBillingCycleUnskipsubscription
Requires access scope. Also: The user must have manage_orders_information permission.
Unskips a Subscription Billing Cycle.
Anchor to Arguments
- Anchor to billingCycleInputbilling•
Cycle Input SubscriptionBilling requiredCycle Input! Input object for selecting and using billing cycles.
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Anchor to SubscriptionBillingCycleUnskipPayload returnsSubscriptionBillingCycleUnskipPayload returns
- Anchor to billingCyclebilling•
Cycle The updated billing cycle.
- Anchor to userErrorsuser•
Errors The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
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Mutation Reference
1mutation subscriptionBillingCycleUnskip($billingCycleInput: SubscriptionBillingCycleInput!) {2 subscriptionBillingCycleUnskip(billingCycleInput: $billingCycleInput) {3 billingCycle {4 # SubscriptionBillingCycle fields5 }6 userErrors {7 field8 message9 }10 }11}
1{2 "billingCycleInput": {3 "contractId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",4 "selector": {5 "date": "2019-09-07T15:50:00Z",6 "index": 17 }8 }9}
"billingCycleInput": {
"contractId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"selector": {
"date": "2019-09-07T15:50:00Z",
"index": 1
input SubscriptionBillingCycleInput {
contractId: ID!
selector: SubscriptionBillingCycleSelector!
input SubscriptionBillingCycleSelector {
date: DateTime
index: Int