Anchor to CheckoutBrandingButtonColorRolesInputCheckout
The input fields to set colors for buttons.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to accentaccent•
The color of accented objects (links and focused state).
- Anchor to backgroundbackground•
The color of the background.
- Anchor to borderborder•
The color of borders.
- Anchor to decorativedecorative•
The decorative color for highlighting specific parts of the user interface.
- Anchor to hoverhover•
The colors of the button on hover.
- Anchor to iconicon•
The color of icons.
- Anchor to texttext•
The color of text.
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Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingColorSchemeInput.primaryButtonCheckout•
Branding Color Scheme Input.primary Button INPUT OBJECT The colors of the primary button. For example, the main payment, or Pay now button.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingColorSchemeInput.secondaryButtonCheckout•
Branding Color Scheme Input.secondary Button INPUT OBJECT The colors of the secondary button, which is used for secondary actions. For example, Buy again.
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