Anchor to DiscountProductsInputDiscount
The input fields for adding and removing products and product variants as prerequisites or as eligible items for a discount.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to productsToAddproducts•
To Add The IDs of the products to add as prerequisites or as eligible items for a discount.
- Anchor to productsToRemoveproducts•
To Remove The IDs of the products to remove as prerequisites or as eligible items for a discount.
- Anchor to productVariantsToAddproduct•
Variants To Add The IDs of the product variants to add as prerequisites or as eligible items for a discount.
- Anchor to productVariantsToRemoveproduct•
Variants To Remove The IDs of the product variants to remove as prerequisites or as eligible items for a discount.
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Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
The products and product variants that the discount applies to.
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