Anchor to SellingPlanPricingPolicyValueInputSelling
The input fields required to create or update a pricing policy adjustment value.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to fixedValuefixed•
Value The fixed value for an fixed amount off or a new policy price.
- Anchor to percentagepercentage•
The percentage value.
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Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
- Anchor to SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicyInput.adjustmentValueSelling•
Plan Fixed Pricing Policy Input.adjustment Value INPUT OBJECT Price adjustment value defined by the policy.
- Anchor to SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicyInput.adjustmentValueSelling•
Plan Recurring Pricing Policy Input.adjustment Value INPUT OBJECT Price adjustment value defined by the policy.
- Anchor to SubscriptionPricingPolicyCycleDiscountsInput.adjustmentValueSubscription•
Pricing Policy Cycle Discounts Input.adjustment Value INPUT OBJECT The price adjustment value.
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