# OrderRiskAssessmentCreateInput - admin - INPUT_OBJECT
Version: 2025-01

## Description
The input fields for an order risk assessment.

### Access Scopes

## Fields
* [facts](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/input-objects/OrderRiskAssessmentFactInput): OrderRiskAssessmentFactInput! - The list of facts used to determine the fraud assessment.
* [orderId](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/ID): ID! - The ID of the order receiving the fraud assessment.
* [riskLevel](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/enums/RiskAssessmentResult): RiskAssessmentResult! - The risk level of the fraud assessment.

## Input objects with this input object
* [orderRiskAssessmentCreate](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/mutations/orderRiskAssessmentCreate)

## Examples