DiscountCodeApp - admin-graphql - OBJECT
Version: 2025-01
A code app discount.
Access Scopes
Apps must have `read_discounts` access scope.
appDiscountType :
AppDiscountType! -
The app discount type providing the discount type.
appliesOncePerCustomer :
Boolean! -
Whether the discount can be applied only once per customer.
asyncUsageCount :
Int! -
The number of times that the discount has been used.
codesCount :
Count -
The number of redeem codes for the discount.
combinesWith :
DiscountCombinesWith! -
Determines which discount classes the discount can combine with.
createdAt :
DateTime! -
The date and time when the discount was created.
customerSelection :
DiscountCustomerSelection! -
The customers that can use the discount.
discountClass :
DiscountClass! -
The class of the discount for combining purposes.
discountId :
ID! -
The ID for the discount.
endsAt :
DateTime -
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use `null`.
errorHistory :
FunctionsErrorHistory -
The error history on the most recent version of the discount.
hasTimelineComment :
Boolean! -
Indicates whether there are any timeline comments on the discount.
recurringCycleLimit :
Int -
The number of times a discount applies on recurring purchases (subscriptions).
shareableUrls :
DiscountShareableUrl! -
URLs that can be used to share the discount.
startsAt :
DateTime! -
The date and time when the discount starts.
status :
DiscountStatus! -
The status of the discount.
title :
String! -
The title of the discount.
totalSales :
MoneyV2 -
The total sales from orders where the discount was used.
updatedAt :
DateTime! -
The date and time when the discount was updated.
usageLimit :
Int -
The maximum number of times that the discount can be used.
codes :
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Related Unions
A discount.
The type of discount associated with the discount code. For example, the discount code might offer a basic discount of a fixed percentage, or a fixed amount, on specific products or the order. Alternatively, the discount might offer the customer free shipping on their order. A third option is a Buy X, Get Y (BXGY) discount, which offers a customer discounts on select products if they add a specific product to their order.