Represents a collection of general settings and information about the shop.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to accountOwneraccount•
Owner StaffMember! non-null Account owner information.
- Anchor to alertsalerts•[Shop
Alert!]! non-null A list of the shop's active alert messages that appear in the Shopify admin.
- Anchor to allProductCategoriesListall•
Product Categories List [TaxonomyCategory!]! non-null A list of the shop's product categories. Limit: 1000 product categories.
- Anchor to availableChannelAppsavailable•
Channel Apps AppConnection! non-null The list of sales channels not currently installed on the shop.
- Anchor to billingAddressbilling•
Address ShopAddress! non-null The shop's billing address information.
- Anchor to channelDefinitionsForInstalledChannelschannel•
Definitions For Installed Channels List of all channel definitions associated with a shop.
- Anchor to checkoutApiSupportedcheckout•
Api Supported Boolean!non-null Specifies whether the shop supports checkouts via Checkout API.
- Anchor to contactEmailcontact•
Email String!non-null The public-facing contact email address for the shop. Customers will use this email to communicate with the shop owner.
- Anchor to countriesInShippingZonescountries•
In Shipping Zones CountriesIn non-nullShipping Zones! Countries that have been defined in shipping zones for the shop.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the shop was created.
- Anchor to currencyCodecurrency•
Code CurrencyCode! non-null The three letter code for the currency that the shop sells in.
- Anchor to currencyFormatscurrency•
Formats CurrencyFormats! non-null How currencies are displayed on your store.
- Anchor to currencySettingscurrency•
Settings CurrencySetting non-nullConnection! The presentment currency settings for the shop excluding the shop's own currency.
- Anchor to customerAccountscustomer•
Accounts ShopCustomer non-nullAccounts Setting! Whether customer accounts are required, optional, or disabled for the shop.
- Anchor to customerAccountsV2customer•
Accounts V2 CustomerAccounts non-nullV2! Information about the shop's customer accounts.
- Anchor to customerTagscustomer•
Tags StringConnection! non-null A list of tags that have been added to customer accounts.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•
The shop's meta description used in search engine results.
- Anchor to draftOrderTagsdraft•
Order Tags StringConnection! non-null A list of tags that have been added to draft orders.
- Anchor to emailemail•String!non-null
The shop owner's email address. Shopify will use this email address to communicate with the shop owner.
- Anchor to enabledPresentmentCurrenciesenabled•
Presentment Currencies [CurrencyCode!]! non-null The presentment currencies enabled for the shop.
- Anchor to featuresfeatures•Shop
Features! non-null The set of features enabled for the shop.
- Anchor to fulfillmentServicesfulfillment•
Services [FulfillmentService!]! non-null List of the shop's installed fulfillment services.
- Anchor to ianaTimezoneiana•
Timezone String!non-null The shop's time zone as defined by the IANA.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to marketingSmsConsentEnabledAtCheckoutmarketing•
Sms Consent Enabled At Checkout Boolean!non-null Whether SMS marketing has been enabled on the shop's checkout configuration settings.
- Anchor to merchantApprovalSignalsmerchant•
Approval Signals The approval signals for a shop to support onboarding to channel apps.
- Anchor to metafieldmetafield•
A custom field, including its
, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•Metafield
Connection! non-null A list of custom fields that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.
- Anchor to myshopifyDomainmyshopify•
Domain String!non-null The shop's domain name.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The shop's name.
- Anchor to navigationSettingsnavigation•
Settings [NavigationItem!]! non-null The shop's settings related to navigation.
- Anchor to orderNumberFormatPrefixorder•
Number Format Prefix String!non-null The prefix that appears before order numbers.
- Anchor to orderNumberFormatSuffixorder•
Number Format Suffix String!non-null The suffix that appears after order numbers.
- Anchor to orderTagsorder•
Tags StringConnection! non-null A list of tags that have been added to orders.
- Anchor to paymentSettingspayment•
Settings PaymentSettings! non-null The shop's settings related to payments.
- Anchor to planplan•Shop
Plan! non-null The shop's billing plan.
- Anchor to primaryDomainprimary•
Domain Domain!non-null The primary domain of the shop's online store.
- Anchor to resourceLimitsresource•
Limits ShopResource non-nullLimits! The shop's limits for specific resources. For example, the maximum number ofvariants allowed per product, or the maximum number of locations allowed.
- Anchor to richTextEditorUrlrich•
Text Editor Url URL!non-null The URL of the rich text editor that can be used for mobile devices.
- Anchor to searchsearch•Search
Result non-nullConnection! Fetches a list of admin search results by a specified query.
- Anchor to searchFilterssearch•
Filters SearchFilter non-nullOptions! The list of search filter options for the shop. These can be used to filter productvisibility for the shop.
- Anchor to setupRequiredsetup•
Required Boolean!non-null Whether the shop has outstanding setup steps.
- Anchor to shipsToCountriesships•
To Countries [CountryCode!]! non-null The list of countries that the shop ships to.
- Anchor to shopOwnerNameshop•
Owner Name String!non-null The name of the shop owner.
- Anchor to shopPoliciesshop•
Policies [ShopPolicy!]! non-null The list of all legal policies associated with a shop.
- Anchor to storefrontAccessTokensstorefront•
Access Tokens StorefrontAccess non-nullToken Connection! The storefront access token of a private application. These are scoped per-application.
- Anchor to taxesIncludedtaxes•
Included Boolean!non-null Whether applicable taxes are included in the shop's product prices.
- Anchor to taxShippingtax•
Shipping Boolean!non-null Whether the shop charges taxes for shipping.
- Anchor to timezoneAbbreviationtimezone•
Abbreviation String!non-null The shop's time zone abbreviation.
- Anchor to timezoneOffsettimezone•
Offset String!non-null The shop's time zone offset.
- Anchor to timezoneOffsetMinutestimezone•
Offset Minutes Int!non-null The shop's time zone offset expressed as a number of minutes.
- Anchor to transactionalSmsDisabledtransactional•
Sms Disabled Boolean!non-null Whether transactional SMS sent by Shopify have been disabled for a shop.
- Anchor to translationstranslations•[Translation!]!non-null
The published translations associated with the resource.
- Anchor to unitSystemunit•
System UnitSystem! non-null The shop's unit system for weights and measures.
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the shop was last updated.
- •URL!non-null
The URL of the shop's online store.
- Anchor to weightUnitweight•
Unit WeightUnit! non-null The shop's primary unit of weight for products and shipping.
Possible type in
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns the Shop resource corresponding to the access token used in the request. The Shop resource contains business and store management settings for the shop.
Shop Queries
Queried by
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Deletes a collection.
- •mutation
Delete a customer. As of API version 2022-10, apps using protected customer data must meet the protected customer data requirements.
- •mutation
Creates a delegate access token.
To learn more about creating delegate access tokens, refer to Delegate OAuth access tokens to subsystems.
- •mutation
Destroys a delegate access token.
- •mutation
Creates a product with attributes such as title, description, and vendor. You can use the
mutation to define options and values for products with product variants, such as different sizes or colors.
To create multiple product variants for a single product and manage prices, use the
To create or update a product in a single request, use the
Learn more about the product model and adding product data.
- •mutation
Deletes a product, including all associated variants and media.
As of API version
, if you need to delete a large product, such as one that has many variants that are active at several locations, you may encounter timeout errors. To avoid these timeout errors, you can instead use the asynchronous ProductDeleteAsync mutation.- •mutation
Duplicates a product.
If you need to duplicate a large product, such as one that has many variants that are active at several locations, you might encounter timeout errors.
To avoid these timeout errors, you can instead duplicate the product asynchronously.
In API version 2024-10 and higher, include
synchronous: false
argument in this mutation to perform the duplication asynchronously.In API version 2024-07 and lower, use the asynchronous
Metafield values are not duplicated if the unique values capability is enabled.
- •mutation
Publishes a resource to a channel. If the resource is a product, then it's visible in the channel only if the product status is
. Products that are sold exclusively on subscription () can be published only on online stores.
- •mutation
Publishes a resource to current channel. If the resource is a product, then it's visible in the channel only if the product status is
. Products that are sold exclusively on subscription () can be published only on online stores.
- •mutation
Unpublishes a resource from a channel. If the resource is a product, then it's visible in the channel only if the product status is
.- •mutation
Unpublishes a resource from the current channel. If the resource is a product, then it's visible in the channel only if the product status is
.- •mutation
Delete a saved search.
- •mutation
Creates a storefront access token for use with the Storefront API.
An app can have a maximum of 100 active storefront access tokens for each shop.