Requires read_assigned_fulfillment_orders access scope, read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders access scope or read_third_party_fulfillment_orders access scope.

A fulfillment hold currently applied on a fulfillment order.

The localized reason for the fulfillment hold for display purposes.

An identifier an app can use to reference one of many holds it applied to a fulfillment order. This field must be unique among the holds that a single app applies to a single fulfillment order.

The name of the app or service that applied the fulfillment hold.

Anchor to FulfillmentHold.heldByApp
Access requirements

The app that created the fulfillment hold.

A boolean value that indicates whether the requesting app created the fulfillment hold.

A globally-unique ID.

The reason for the fulfillment hold.

Additional information about the fulfillment hold reason.

An optional warning message displayed when attempting to release the fulfillment hold.

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Fields from


Applies a fulfillment hold on an open fulfillment order.

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FulfillmentHold Mutations

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FulfillmentHold Implements
