Requires access scope. Also: The app must have the read_server_pixels access scope.
An error that occurs during the execution of a server pixel mutation.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to codecode•
The error code.
- Anchor to fieldfield•
The path to the input field that caused the error.
- Anchor to messagemessage•String!non-null
The error message.
No referencing types
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Updates the server pixel to connect to an EventBridge endpoint. Running this mutation deletes any previous subscriptions for the server pixel.
- •mutation
Updates the server pixel to connect to a Google PubSub endpoint. Running this mutation deletes any previous subscriptions for the server pixel.
- •mutation
Creates a new unconfigured server pixel. A single server pixel can exist for an app and shop combination. If you call this mutation when a server pixel already exists, then an error will return.
- •mutation
Deletes the Server Pixel associated with the current app & shop.