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Defines errors for ProductSet mutation.


The error code.


The path to the input field that caused the error.


The error message.

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Creates or updates a product in a single request.

Use this mutation when syncing information from an external data source into Shopify.

When using this mutation to update a product, specify that product's id in the input.

Any list field (e.g. collections, metafields, variants) will be updated so that all included entries are either created or updated, and all existing entries not included will be deleted.

All other fields will be updated to the value passed. Omitted fields will not be updated.

When run in synchronous mode, you will get the product back in the response. For versions 2024-04 and earlier, the synchronous mode has an input limit of 100 variants. This limit has been removed for versions 2024-07 and later.

In asynchronous mode, you will instead get a ProductSetOperation object back. You can then use the productOperation query to retrieve the updated product data. This query uses the ProductSetOperation object to check the status of the operation and to retrieve the details of the updated product and its variants.

If you need to update a subset of variants, use one of the bulk variant mutations:

If you need to update options, use one of the product option mutations:

See our guide to sync product data from an external source for more.

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