Anchor to SellingPlanGroupUserErrorSelling
Represents a selling plan group custom error.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to codecode•
The error code.
- Anchor to fieldfield•
The path to the input field that caused the error.
- Anchor to messagemessage•String!non-null
The error message.
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No referencing types
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Adds multiple selling plan groups to a product.
- •mutation
Removes multiple groups from a product.
- •mutation
Adds multiple selling plan groups to a product variant.
- •mutation
Remove multiple groups from a product variant.
- •mutation
Adds multiple products to a selling plan group.
- •mutation
Adds multiple product variants to a selling plan group.
- •mutation
Creates a Selling Plan Group.
- •mutation
Delete a Selling Plan Group. This does not affect subscription contracts.
- •mutation
Removes multiple products from a selling plan group.
- •mutation
Removes multiple product variants from a selling plan group.
- •mutation
Update a Selling Plan Group.
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SellingPlanGroupUserError Mutations
Mutated by
- product
Join Selling Plan Groups - product
Leave Selling Plan Groups - product
Variant Join Selling Plan Groups - product
Variant Leave Selling Plan Groups - selling
Plan Group Add Product Variants - selling
Plan Group Add Products - selling
Plan Group Create - selling
Plan Group Delete - selling
Plan Group Remove Product Variants - selling
Plan Group Remove Products - selling
Plan Group Update