Requires access scope.
Represents a Subscription Draft error.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to codecode•
The error code.
- Anchor to fieldfield•
The path to the input field that caused the error.
- Anchor to messagemessage•String!non-null
The error message.
No referencing types
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Commits the updates of a Subscription Billing Cycle Contract draft.
- Anchor to subscriptionBillingCycleContractDraftConcatenatesubscription•
Billing Cycle Contract Draft Concatenate mutation Concatenates a contract to a Subscription Draft.
- •mutation
Edit the contents of a subscription contract for the specified billing cycle.
- •mutation
Creates a Subscription Contract.
- •mutation
Creates a Subscription Contract Draft. You can submit all the desired information for the draft using Subscription Draft Input object. You can also update the draft using the Subscription Contract Update mutation. The draft is not saved until you call the Subscription Draft Commit mutation.
- •mutation
Allows for the easy change of a Product in a Contract or a Product price change.
- •mutation
The subscriptionContractUpdate mutation allows you to create a draft of an existing subscription contract. This draft can be reviewed and modified as needed. Once the draft is committed with subscriptionDraftCommit, the changes are applied to the original subscription contract.
- •mutation
Commits the updates of a Subscription Contract draft.
- •mutation
Adds a subscription discount to a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Applies a code discount on the subscription draft.
- •mutation
Removes a subscription discount from a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Updates a subscription discount on a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Adds a subscription free shipping discount to a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Updates a subscription free shipping discount on a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Adds a subscription line to a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Removes a subscription line from a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Updates a subscription line on a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Updates a Subscription Draft.
SubscriptionDraftUserError Mutations
Mutated by
- subscription
Billing Cycle Contract Draft Commit - subscription
Billing Cycle Contract Draft Concatenate - subscription
Billing Cycle Contract Edit - subscription
Contract Atomic Create - subscription
Contract Create - subscription
Contract Product Change - subscription
Contract Update - subscription
Draft Commit - subscription
Draft Discount Add - subscription
Draft Discount Code Apply - subscription
Draft Discount Remove - subscription
Draft Discount Update - subscription
Draft Free Shipping Discount Add - subscription
Draft Free Shipping Discount Update - subscription
Draft Line Add - subscription
Draft Line Remove - subscription
Draft Line Update - subscription
Draft Update