Possible values for the cart link content type for the header.
Anchor to Valid valuesValid values
- Anchor to ICONICON•
The checkout header content type icon value.
- Anchor to IMAGEIMAGE•
The checkout header content type image value.
- Anchor to TEXTTEXT•
The checkout header content type text value.
Anchor to FieldsFields
The content type for the header back to cart link in 1-page checkout. Setting this to image will render the custom image provided using the image field on the header cart_link object. If no image is provided, the default cart icon will be used.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingHeaderCartLinkInput.contentTypeCheckout•
Branding Header Cart Link Input.content Type INPUT OBJECT The input for the content type for the header back to cart link in 1-page checkout. Setting this to image will render the custom image provided using the image field on the header cart_link object. If no image is provided, the default cart icon will be used.