Anchor to CheckoutBrandingTypographyLetterCaseCheckout
Possible values for the typography letter case.
Anchor to Valid valuesValid values
- Anchor to LOWERLOWER•
All letters are is lower case.
- Anchor to NONENONE•
No letter casing applied.
- Anchor to TITLETITLE•
Capitalize the first letter of each word.
- Anchor to UPPERUPPER•
All letters are uppercase.
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Anchor to FieldsFields
The letter case.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingTypographyStyleGlobal.letterCaseCheckout•
Branding Typography Style Global.letter Case OBJECT The letter case.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingTypographyStyleGlobalInput.letterCaseCheckout•
Branding Typography Style Global Input.letter Case INPUT OBJECT The letter case.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingTypographyStyleInput.letterCaseCheckout•
Branding Typography Style Input.letter Case INPUT OBJECT The letter case.
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