The fulfillment or delivery behavior of the first fulfillment when the orderis placed before the anchor.
Anchor to Valid valuesValid values
- Anchor to ASAPASAP•
Orders placed can be fulfilled / delivered immediately. Orders placed inside a cutoff can be fulfilled / delivered at the next anchor.
- Anchor to NEXTNEXT•
Orders placed can be fulfilled / delivered at the next anchor date. Orders placed inside a cutoff will skip the next anchor and can be fulfilled / delivered at the following anchor.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicy.preAnchorBehaviorSelling•
Plan Fixed Delivery Policy.pre Anchor Behavior OBJECT The fulfillment or delivery behavior of the first fulfillment when the order is placed before the anchor. The default value for this field is
- Anchor to SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyInput.preAnchorBehaviorSelling•
Plan Fixed Delivery Policy Input.pre Anchor Behavior INPUT OBJECT The pre-anchor behavior.